More national disgrace

Under our consitution, members of my professional association can be thrown out if by their behaviour they 'bring it into disrepute'.

Anybody who thinks that British Airways, BAA and T5 haven't done that - brought our country and transport system into disrepute - should read Roger Collis' article in Sunday's edition of the New York Times. Collis is a longstanding and highly regarded business travel correspondent for the International Herald Tribune, as well known to Americans as Simon Calder is here. His article, entitled Heathrow Terminal 5: How to avoid it gives fellow Americans practical advice on how to travel to the UK without going through T5.

It begins...

It is hard to imagine that the airport experience, especially at London's dreaded Heathrow, could get any worse. But the opening of Terminal 5 on March 27 was a fiasco of epic proportions. British Airways, sole occupiers of the "state-of-the-art" terminal, canceled hundreds of flights; some 20,000 bags were parted from their owners — many are still lost

Nuff said.


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